MED J MALAYA Vol 25 No. 1, September 1970
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Original Articles & Case Reports
Treatment of thyrotoxicosis with radioactive iodine: A report of 137 cases
S K Dharmalingam, Yi Sun Taek, V Mahadev
Clinical applications of renal arteriogrpahy
A H Ang, S C Ong, J T Lambeth, Y S Soo
Dubin-Johnson syndrome - a family study
A K Banerjee
Intestinal parasites, eosinophilia, haemoglobin and gamma globulin of Malay, Chinese and Indian school children
B Bisseru, Abdul Aziz bin Ahmad
'Once a Caesarean section'
K B Kuah
The antibiogram and the distribution of Proteus organisms isolated from urinary tracts
K H Chai, T S Soo-Hoo
Polycystic kidneys and liver in two siblings with other severe congenital abnormalities
K L Tan, M A Thomas
Acute inversion of the uterus: a report of 2 cases and reappraisal of the method of management
Wong Wai Ping, T A Sinnathuray
Meigs' syndrome: a case report and review of the literature
Chan Wing Fook
Stylohyoid ossification, with a case report
W Pallie, M A F Hussein
A case of rudimentary horn prenancy that reached term
Ling Ngan Ngieng
Alveolar soft part sarcoma: a case report
S Sengupta, R Murugasu
Correspondence - The Occurrence of Aedes (STEGOMYIA) aesypti in Sabah
Shivaji Ramalingam